Why is Learning important? Because you become somebody you want to be!


Why is Learning important? Because you become somebody you want to be!

One of the biggest lessons I learned in 2020 is to focus on who I’m becoming instead of what was happening around me. I realized I can’t control what happens.

The only thing I CAN control is how I react to those events.
Thanks to my mentors and business, I’ve seen myself not let results nor events get me down.

My personal growth has been the most rewarding part of this year.

Today is day 1 of 10 days of gratitude

I am grateful for my love Jacinthe, who is my family.

Need to find a way to stay in shape during the busy holidays?


Need to find a way to stay in shape during the busy holidays?

Here’s a helpful tip that I’ve learned: You don’t need to do much as before but you do need to do something everyday.

Doing something simple everyday (such as walking for 15 minutes) is better than going to the gym once a week but not doing anything for the rest of the week.

What’s your favorite type of exercise?