His Optimism Was Not Weakness.


His optimism was not weakness.

Indeed, in the words of biographer Michael Korda, “A man who has successfully commanded millions of men in battle, who has made the most difficult and far-reaching military decision of all time, and who accepted the formal surrender of Nazi Germany, must have a core of steel; a streak of ruthlessness; the ability to make cold, hard, objective decisions; and an imperial sense of command, however well disguised they may be by a big grin and a firm handshake.” (Korda, Eisenhower: An American Hero)

With No Plans, What Is Coming Out?

With No Plans, What Is Coming Out?

With No Plans, What Is Coming Out?

In order for goals to happen, you must create an ACTION PLAN behind that goal.

It doesn’t matter whether you want to get in shape, have a better relationship with someone or make more money, you have to have an ACTION PLAN in place.

The Importance Of Planning.


The Importance Of Planning.

One of my mentors taught me that failing to plan is planning to fail.

If you want to be more productive next week, take a few moments this weekend to plan out next week.

What are some things that need to be done?!

Write them down and create an action plan or schedule for you to get those things done.

Taking Action Increases Your Self Esteem.

Taking Action Increases Your Self Esteem.

Taking action increases your self esteem.

If you struggle with self esteem or don’t feel you can do it,
simply just take action on what you need to do because
procrastination makes you feel worse.

Stop overthinking and take action on what must be done.

Taking action increases your self esteem.