An Orthomolecular Protocol
by Michael J Gonzalez, NMD, PhD
You have to go to this page, it has everything you need to know and more. The basics here about vitamin C:
A small briefing on Vitamin C as an antiviral
Vitamin C has 11 antiviral mechanisms and should be the first line of defense against any viral disease including COVID-19. Vitamin C has worked against every single virus including influenzas, pneumonia, and even poliomyelitis. COVID-19 is a very serious contagious disease. But contagion to a virus largely depends on the susceptibility of the host. It is well established that low vitamin C levels increase susceptibility to viruses. It must be emphasized that only 200 mg of vitamin C per day resulted in an 80% decrease in deaths among severely ill, hospitalized respiratory disease patients. Drs. Frederick R. Klenner and Robert F. Cathcart successfully treated influenza and pneumonia with very high doses of vitamin C. A coronavirus pandemic can be stopped with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C. Acute organ failure, especially pulmonary failure (acute respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS) is the main cause of COVID-19 fatality. As mentioned above, significantly increased oxidative stress due to the rapid release of free radicals and cytokines etc. is the hallmark of ARDS which leads to cellular injury, organ failure and death.