3 Things That Has Made Me Happier And Excited

Would It Be Ok If You Could Make A Positive Impact In People's life?

3 Things That Has Made Me Happier And Excited

1 ) Gratitude
Be grateful for what you have. No matter how tough things may be, there’s also millions of people in the third world that would love to switch places with you

2 ) Giving
The more you give back, the happier you get.
It’s like when you surprise someone with a nice gift. You’re always happy just to see someone else happy.

3 ) My Side Business
I just love the people I get to work with and how much I’m growing as a person
What are a few things that make you happier?

“Life is hard when you are not having fun” — John Maxwell

Fun building your life!

Most people do not love their lives because the job is not that fun AND takes all the time. Everybody knows your life is a free gift from your mother but still are obligated to earn the money to survive.

Some have found out what to learn and have fun creating an income that will last a lifetime after 5 years of working at it part time. What is their magic secret?

If you know it, share it in the comments.

What Would Happen If You Were Never Sick?

Health Advices

What Would Happen If You Were Never Sick?

The holidays are coming up and sometimes it’s hard to stay healthy.
It’s ok if you fall off track. It’s how quickly you can bounce back.

Here are 5 things you can do so that you can stay on track.

1) Eat less
Enjoy the sweets. But just eat less
2) Drink tons of water
The wine is good but make sure you drink tons of water so you don’t get dehydrated
3) Create the Time to Exercise
You don’t need to do much but take the time to move your body every day
4) Eat Your Fruits and Veggies
Have your sweets but make sure you still eat your fruits and veggies everyday
5) Get enough sleep
Our willpower is super low when we don’t sleep enough. Have fun but make sure you get rest