Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping — Jordan Perterson

Jordan Perterson.

Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping — Jordan Perterson.

In his famous book ” 12 Rules for life” Jordan explains this basic responsibility that seems to scare so many people. This is the second rule. Your are morally obliged to take care of yourself.

Why most people blindly abdicate this basic responsibility to their doctors or their government?

Tell me your thoughts in the comments.

As Smart As A Fox

As Smart As A Fox

The fox is a quick learner and always sharpens his knowledge, do you?

He is lean and observes all players in the forest, he understands what they do, what they need and when they do what they do. He also wait at the right place at the right time to meet with you when you least expect him, he is a smart buyer!

Are you a smart buyer? If you are bad at selling how can you be good at buying?

Time flies by so fast!

Time flies

Time flies by so fast!

I Can’t believe it’s been a week already since I was on this business workshop andlearned how to grow a part time business from home using social mediaIt was so much fun!