I believe that choosing science over chance is the preferred investment option for your health.
Here is why: to get the required nutrients your body needs to maintain its health, you will need to eat 22,000 calories per day at a cost of $33 on average. The reason is our soils are all depleted form vital minerals and vitamins since WWII.

Growing your own food in rich soil to compensate is an option for some people. Most people will agree that a much easier, much more practical not to mention way cheaper method to avoid sickness from nutritional deficiencies is to get your hands on the best high quality pharmaceutical grade supplements available on the market.

However, choosing to ignore the sciences and accepting the risks by betting on your chances not to confirm the statistics of the current system is also a choice. What are your odds?
I’ve just found out we can reduce these risks by at least 50% with simple lifestyle changes that are so easy that most people can do them without sacrificing things you like. Feel free to contact me for the details.

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