When Robert Kiyosaki wrote Rich Dad Poor Dad, he subtitled it: “What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money — That The Poor And Middle Class Do Not!” Unless you grew up around the rich, you probably have never been taught even the basics you need to be rich.
If you do not know what an effective interest rate is as opposed to a nominal interest rate, then you need to get educated ASAP! Otherwise you will never be able to stop working and have you bills paid out by your investments’ return since you’ll have none!
You need to get educated about finance. For that, if you know how to count you have 25%, if you are aware that you are ignorant and want to fix that status you have another 25%. You get the next 50% when you find out how to generate passive income and keep your assets (avoid taxes or reduce them 90%).
The smartest thing you can do is to build a business. Do you want to work hard for the rest of your life or you you want to work for freedom? If you work for money you work for security BUT you will never get security as your grow older. What makes you rich is not money BUT business skills.
Network marketing will allow you the time at a very low cost of entry to acquire the business skills and mindset you need to get to your freedom, it’s all up to you and the action you invest in getting trained. Hence the saying: earn while you learn.