If you give up your dreams, what are you left with?
Bills to pay? Is that what makes your life exciting?
You are 2 clicks away from making a decision that could change your life, follow the links below:
1. Before making an appointment for a short interview that will allow us to explore your questions and the implications of a possible association with our team, we ask you to take this short 90-second B.A.N.K. personality test. This test will help us to focus the discussion on the values you hold dear.
IMPORTANT! This test is essential to help guide you in your decision:
the test here.
Note:if you’re doing it from your smartphone and are having trouble doing it, watch this clip on how to do it.
2. And for the appointment, consult the agenda and choose the date that suits you.
Important information on team building.

Teamwork is the most important thing for us. That’s why we always use cutting-edge tools to improve communication and train our teams in a way that strengthens everyone. To this end, we use a personality-based system called B.A.N.K. Everyone can get the B.A.N.K. system to accelerate team growth by 182%. Click here for the White Paper for the Direct Selling (DS) industry.
With B.A.N.K., you can identify anyone’s personality type and communicate effectively with them in less than 90 seconds.
Before you can use B.A.N.K. for best results throughout your company, you need to understand your own code. Please use the link below to receive your personalized BankCODE Personality Report. These reports are free for all current and future team members, so please take a few minutes to download yours.
Do the BankCODE evaluation now. Don’t worry; the BankCODE evaluation only takes about a minute and a half. Take this opportunity to find out more about yourself!